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“Conference Interpreters and their Hearing”

25 November 2023
09:00-13:00 CET

Hippokration Hospital Auditorium, Athens & Online
in Greek with interpretation into English

The Hellenic Association of Conference Interpreters (SYDISE) and AIIC Greece & Cyprus have brought together a group of experts to talk about “Conference Interpreters and their Hearing” in a hybrid event in Greek with interpretation into English on the 25th of November in Athens.


Physicians, researchers and experts working for/with the Hearing, Balance and Voice Group at the 1st University ENT Department of the Hippokration General Hospital in Athens, Greece, will provide information that is extremely topical for interpreters in the digital and analog world, ranging from hearing physiology & pathology, vocal hygiene and psychoacoustics to digital & processed audio in remote interpreting, etc.


09.00-11.00 CET – PART A

Introduction – Welcome Addresses (SYDISE, AIIC) 

1. An overview of the cochlea: Ear function, hearing loss and what it means in practice for the patient
Thanos Bibas, Professor of Otorhinolaryngology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Director of the 1st ENT Department of the Athens Medical School at Hippokration Hospital

2. When the world starts spinning round – the labyrinth and its role
Elpida Passou, Director of the Audiology & Neurotology Department at Henry Dunant Hospital Centre

3. Fundamentals of Psychoacoustics
Kostantinos Pastiadis, Professor at the Department of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Visiting Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School.

4. Sound – equipment and use: Headphones – correct use, noise cancellation, sound management for RSI meetings and the link between hearing health and prevention.
Dimitris Dimitriades, Sound Engineer, 1st ENT Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School

Discussion: 30 minutes

11.00-11.15 CET – COFFEE BREAK 


11.20-13.00 CET – PART B

5. Tinnitus and Hyperacusis
Dimitris Kikidis, Registrar, Neurotology Lab Coordinator, 1st ENT Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School.

6. Physiology of the voice and benign structural damage to the vocal cords
Eleftheria Iliadou, Laryngology Fellow, UCL, UK & Scientific Associate at 1st ENT Department, NKUA Medical School

7. Vocal Hygiene
Ilias Papathanasiou, Professor of Speech Therapy, Patras University, Visiting Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

8. Ongoing research on Hearing loss, tinnitus and hyperacusis in professional interpreters
Maria Angelopoulou, NKUA Researcher

Dimitris Lasithiotakis, NKUA Researcher

Discussion 30 minutes

Summary – Closing remarks (SYDISE)


13.00-14.00 CET – LIGHT LUNCH

Member of:

ELIA 2021 Partner

ELIA 2021 Partner
HAPCO - Hellenic Association of Professional Congress Organizers


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