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Saturday, February 24, 2024 | 03:00 Pm –  Saturday, February 24, 2024 | 04:30 Pm
Organiser : Legal Interpreting Committee,
Type: Bodies, groups, committees
Location : Online Online   CH

The objective of this AIIC and SYDISE LIC online forum is to investigate the way in which courts and other institutions train proficient linguists to become interpreters when there are no official interpreting courses in their language. These languages are referred to as languages of lesser diffusion. Traditional interpreting training methods cannot therefore be applied as they rely on trainers having command of both skills: proficiency in a specific language combination as well as interpreting techniques. So how have courts and institutions addressed this problem? Our three speakers, Christiane Driesen, Annie Bougault De Benedictis and  Alfred Goma- Ballou  will discuss how this has been done particularly with simultaneous interpretation and with specific focus on current practice at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

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The concept of languages of lesser diffusion:

To put the concept into perspective, these may be languages with a very large number of speakers worldwide like Chinese, Arabic, or Swahili, however they may be of lesser diffusion in some geographical areas where they are scarcely represented.

Meet the presenters:

Meet the presenters

Christiane Driesen

Convenor of the AIIC Committee for Court and Legal Interpreting. Conference and Legal Interpreter. Professor, scientific direction of several Training Programmes for legal interpreters and international communication for lawyers.

Former EULITA Vice-President – Convenor of the EULITA Advisory Committee for Research and Training.

1999–2010 Professor with the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Since 1999 Professor. Head of CPD Legal Interpreting Programme at Hamburg University
Interpreting as conference and legal interpreter, Scientific co-director of the new ISIT CPD training “Certificat d’Interprète et traducteur juridique”  working on diverse EU projects to this effect. 2014: Awarded Prize Danica Seleskovitch.



Annie Bougault De Benedictis

Annie Bougault De Benedictis is a conference interpreter and an interpreter trainer. She studied interpretation at ESIT, Paris and at the PCL in London. She obtained a Masters degree in Interpreter Training at ETI in Geneva, her thesis dealing with short-term and specialized simultaneous training-courses.

Annie started her career as a staff interpreter at the European Commission, then worked several years as a freelance in Milan and Brussels before accepting a post of Court interpreter in the French booth at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. There she was also put in charge of training simultaneous interpreters in situation languages for various trials.

She now works as a freelance interpreter based in The Hague and goes on with her training activities at the ICC. She is the Chair of AIIC Netherlands and a member of Interpreters in Conflict Zones.

Alfred Goma Ballou

Alfred is from the Central African Republic. With a post-graduate degree in language sciences and information and communication sciences, he was recruited by the ICC in 2010. After at least 6 months of intensive training in interpretation, he began working as a paraprofessional interpreter in Sängö (the national and official language of Central African Republic – a language used at the ICC), for 3 years, on the Bemba case.

In 2021, he was promoted to associate Sängö interpreter. Since then, he has worked as a court interpreter in the Central African Republic, and has taken on non-judicial interpreting and translation duties for some of the Court’s units/sections.

He has assisted Annie Bougault de Benedictis as a speaker and examiner in the training and end-of-training assessment of new recruits for the Sängö booth.

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